The One Who Makes Me Laugh

Inspired by Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop.

Writer's Workshop

3.) What was the last thing that made you laugh?

There is no one on earth who can make me laugh like my seven and a half year old son, Tyler. Comedy seems to be one of his greatest gifts…or possibly I am just his mom and he is actually no funnier than any child.

Consider the joke he made last week:

“Mom, have you ever had beetles in your stomach?”

“Tyler, no, that is impossible, that won’t happen to you, don’t worry about it!”

“Have you ever had bees in your stomach?”

“Ewww, Tyler no! That’s can’t happen!”

“Well have you ever had butterflies in your stomach?”

I don’t know about the rest of you but he got me on that one.

Tyler is often willing to play the fool, especially when he used the ladies’ room with his little girlfriend to make her scream.

Sometimes he makes me mad with his antics, but I usually have to admit that they’re pretty funny.

This Monday was his first day of summer vacation and he was about as crazy as you’d expect a kid to be given his first taste of freedom.

I was using our only bathroom and he frantically knocked saying, “Mom, I’ve got to go!”

“Alright, Tyler I’m almost done…”

“Mom, I’m just going to use the litter box. It’s right here and I can just aim…”

“Tyler don’t use the litter box! Look! I’m done, I’m done!”

I opened the door.

“You’re too late”, Tyler said matter-of-factly, looking down at the evidence.

“I don’t think the cats will use now, I’m going to have to redo it!”, I said, getting the supplies.

“But it was funny mom, wasn’t it?”

“No, it was NOT funny!”, as I tried not to laugh.

“Yeah, it was funny and you know it.”

I never came right out and said that I thought it was funny, but am I raising a comedic genius or what?!


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Great People to Work With!

I’m very pleased to be working with Destinations in Florida Travel, the agency that I used to help plan my Disney World vacation. My travel agent, Veronica Mazarelli, is an authorized Disney vacation planner, a 
Universal Orlando Specialist and a 
Sandals & Beaches Resorts Specialist. 
Destinations in Florida is the top 2009, 2011 and 2012 Disney Destinations Sales Performer and the 2010 & 2011 Universal Studios Travel Agency Partner of the Year.

Hello all, 

Emily contacted me in January and from then on we kept in touch for the next four months! I didn’t just book her Disney vacation, I stayed in touch through the whole process; getting quotes to her, booking ADR’s (Advanced Dining Reservations), Universal tickets, FastPass+ selections and My Disney Experience. 

Sound confusing? Don’t let that worry you!

Part of the services I offer are to help you every step of the way! No matter where you are interested in going… Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando Resort…even a cruise or Sandals & Beaches Resort vacation!! 

But let’s get back to Disney…

Are you interested in a Disney vacation? Do you know where to start? 

How about right HERE!!  

This link will lead you right to Destination’s in Florida’s website for a free quote. Once I receive your request, I will be personally getting in touch with you to help you make your dream Disney vacation a reality! 

Take a look at what I offer to my clients: 
• Free Itinerary Planning (Valued at $149)
• Free ADR’s planning – Advanced Dining Reservation Suggestions & Planning – (Valued at $69)
• Free Magical Services & “MousePerks”: Hidden Mickey Hunts, Scavenger Hunt, insider tips from our Cast Members that work at the parks, coloring sheets, WDW information, games and activities for the kids…and so much more! These perks are exclusively for you and your family just for booking with me! (Valued at $200)
• Free Know Before You Go Guide
• Free Disney Theme Park Guide Map
• Free Discount Watching – I will watch for future discounts that may save you money, even after you booked your package. 
• All families who book with me through Mama Sick’s website (for the remainder of 2014), will get their choice of Disney World Autograph Book or Mickey Mouse Ear hat and a personalized phone call! 

Stay on the lookout for more updates on all the Orlando area vacation spots, with our Orlando Digests. 

Just click here!  And follow me on Facebook and Twitter

Have a magical day!

Veronica Mazarelli

Veronica has planned her family vacations for years.  Now she gets to do it for others and it​’​s like a dream come true! She is a Disney College of Knowledge Graduate and Universal Specialist. Her very first visit to Disney World was fourteen years ago when her husband suggested going for their honeymoon, and she was hooked! Now Disney feels like her home away from home and she and her husband take their two Disney daughters as often as they can make it! She focuses on family and family reunion travel to Walt Disney World, Universal Studios and Sandals & Beaches Resorts, as well as the southern United States like Nashville, Chattanooga, Memphis and Atlanta. You can email her at   


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The Contest is Still On!

I have picked several winners for the Robin Maria Pedero piece of art, “Pink Poppies in Paradise” and no one has come forward to claim their prize! Today I picked Deb Schaefer, at random. Deb has until 9:30 a.m. on June 6th to get in contact with me. So keep watching this space, perhaps I may still pick your name!

pink poppies in paradise - robin maria pedrero

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Burnt Out!

The other week I went to my new Rheumatologist. After three tries at the Cleveland Clinic, I have finally found a Rheum whom I love!

He questioned my Lyme Disease diagnosis,` and I have an appointment with an Infectious Disease specialist in a couple of weeks, hopefully to finally know whether I actually have Lyme.

It appears that my joint hypermobililty has gotten worse, especially in my wrists. I have been having to immobilize them by bandaging them, and needing to take pain medication. We took X-rays of my hands and wrists.

One of the greatest things about this doctor was that he didn’t hurt me at all! All of my other Rheums, well the ones who actually cared to examine me, would mash up my joints and cause great pain.

But the best thing about the appointment was that because I was not showing symptoms of Lupus, the doctor thought that the Lupus has “burnt itself out”, which means improvement or remission of disease, and no more symptoms of Lupus in my body! According to the London Lupus Centre, “With the evolution of knowledge that has come about concerning lupus, it is clear that for most patients, a normal and active life is entirely possible. Even in those patients going through a long and seemingly endless flare of disease; improvement or ‘remission’ of disease is likely. The disease does burn itself out.”

The blood work may or may not support the doctor’s theory, but I can’t help feeling like it is true!

Of all of the Lupies I know, I am the first one to hear this “burnt out” term. My friends with Lupus, there is hope for us all! New medicines such as Benlysta and earlier detection is making this possible!

I ask all of you whom are fighting this horrendous disease to please have hope. Perhaps our dreams of a total cure are not as far away as we think!

Have any of you been told that your Lupus has burnt itself out?


Photo credit: Reema Chadha.

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If I Could Have Done Things Differently…

Inspired by Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop.

Writer's Workshop

2.) You HAVE to go back in time and choose a different career path for yourself. What do you choose?

This is a question I have asked myself many times. In my mind I do go back in time, chose something different and then flash forward as to where I would be right now.

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”, they would ask me, and I would say “I want to be a singer!” and later, “I want to be an actress!”

When I was nine and living in the suburbs, the broadway musical Annie was holding open auditions. That meant you did not need an agent to audition, you could just be any little girl and they would listen to you sing.

At nine I was taking singing lessons and singing wherever I could; at farmers’ markets with pianos, at talent shows and at my cousin’s wedding. I would get standing ovations and when I went to the bathroom I was greeted with compliments about how good a singer I was.

I begged my parents to let me audition for Annie, I pleaded with them. I felt sure that while I was not good enough to be Annie, I could probably be one of the orphans. My mother said that she didn’t want me live the Hollywood life, where children grew up too early. But this is Broadway, I said.

But she had the last word on that decision.

In high school I went to a Performing Arts School. Kind of like “Fame”, although we didn’t break into song in the locker room. I wanted to go to college and major in theatre, somewhere like NYU, that was my dream school.

But my SAT scores were so low, none of the schools I had wanted would look at me. I went to Seton Hall University where I did sixteen plays in the four years I was there and sung in the choirs.

I majored in Communications and concentrated on television and radio. At my radio station I was giving a job anchoring the news right away. Some of my classmates had me act in their television projects.

“You should go into television!”, many people told me. But I didn’t think I was beautiful enough to be on t.v. Sure, I was pretty but the people on television were all beautiful.

I did well in radio; I was an on-air personality for eight years until I got totally disillusioned with the business and quit in 2000. Up until 2012 I did voice-overs. It was a very nice side job, until I became too sick to do it any more.

I guess you could say I made a lot of wrong decisions, and just maybe, I may have sung or acted professionally, or maybe I would have wound up on network news.

But no matter what, I still would have gotten Lupus, become Bipolar and Diabetic and I would have had to quit whatever it was I was doing.

My agenda is different now anyway. I don’t need to be those things any more. I just want to write about what it’s like to be chronically ill and how it feels to have Lupus and be mentally ill.

I guess my new dream is to get the word out to as many people as possible. I guess I would like to live long enough that my name becomes…well, not a household name…but a name people will think of that furthered the causes of the chronically ill and disabled.

I’m only 44, so maybe my dream is closer than I think. I hope you will help by spreading the word too.

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It’s Finally Spring Art Contest!

Even thought we had a frost warning a couple of days ago here in Cleveland, I think it is safe to say that spring is finally here!

And to celebrate, I am so pleased to be working again with artist Robin Maria Pedrero!

I love Robin’s art; the birds and butterflies, the colors she uses…just seeing her art makes me feel peaceful.

Robin thought her “Pink Poppies in Paradise” would be the perfect piece of artwork for a contest.

pink poppies in paradise - robin maria pedrero

“Pink Poppies in Paradise is a piece I worked on for 6 months, there are layers upon layers of details from botanical and bugs to bottle caps and a key and spool.”

The artwork is hand titled and signed.

You can enter in three easy ways:

1) Comment below.

2) Facebook it with the link and let me know you did that by commenting below.

3) Tweet out the contest and let me know you did by commenting below.

So if you do all three, you will have three separate entries!

The contest will run until Tuesday, May 27th until 11:59 p.m. and a winner will be chosen at random. Good luck!

Congratulations to our winner, Deb Schaefer, who won a copy of Robin Pedrero’s “Pink Poppies in Paradise”! Deb needs to get in contact with me by 9:30 a.m. on June 6th or I will have to pick another winner.

Thank you all so much for entering my contest! I hope you will come back to my blog soon!



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But Then Some Other Stuff Happened

I was totally psyched to write about my Disney World vacation, to post my pictures and to give my tips geared towards chronically ill mothers.

But then some other stuff happened.

I used every prescription that I had to get me through the trip. I didn’t want Grant and Tyler to be out having fun while I stayed in the air-conditioned room.

I expected I would be sick after the trip, I just didn’t know how sick I’d be.

Everything is flaring; Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Costochondritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis…you get my drift.

Things got so bad that I called 9-1-1. I couldn’t breathe, my chest was heavy and I felt like I was passing out. My heart was cleared but they did find out that I have Diabetes. Hah, I say to that, I can beat this! My diabetes is mild with readings never above 200. I am following the diabetic diet and have already lost one size! This works for me because my weight gain, which was caused by a medication I was on, was never something I could get used to. More importantly I worried about the health problems that goes hand and hand with being overweight. And so here I am. Diabetes runs on both sides of my family, but at 44 I am the youngest to inherit it.

I was also diagnosed with COPD. At this point I have so many diseases it’s just like whateverr!

I have an appointment next week with a diabetes educator who will give me my glucose meter, and an appointment for a pulmonary work-up, where I will learn how COPD is affecting me.

What’s happening by you?


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Bedridden, Day 10

I got back from Disney World on April 17th and was so excited to tell you about the wonderful time we had there! I was psyched to put up our pictures and to offer my tips for chronically ill moms thinking about a trip to The Happiest Place on Earth!

I had pretty much expected to be sick after the trip, par for the course for us chronic moms, but I didn’t know I would be sick longer than my trip lasted!

I hope you’ll enjoy this essay. Maybe you’ll laugh, maybe you will cry and maybe you will identify with it!

Bedridden: Day 10

Bit of a mishap today when I decided taking a bath would be easier and more relaxing than a shower. The thoughtful boyfriend sanitized the tub especially for me.

It was my first time taking a bath in my somewhat still new home. The tub had always looked small to me. It sure as Hell wouldn’t fit the six foot tall boyfriend but my seven year old seemed to manage pretty well.

I attempted to stretch out my five foot 6 inch tall self into the tantalizing hot water when I realized I appeared to be about a foot too tall for the tub. I tried to sit up but found that due to the pain and weakness from my illness, I couldn’t make it. I sat moaning for a few minutes, in a sort of twisted sculpture kind of way, and then I yelled for the boyfriend. After some effort he was able to pull me up to a sitting position. At least now he wouldn’t have to shampoo and condition my hair, it was all at my fingertips.

This worked well until the hot water ran out. I had neglected to remember that the boyfriend had taken a shower right before me. I again screamed for him. I still had conditioner in my hair but I’d be damned to Hades before I would rinse my hair off with that icicle making machine.

We decided to call my hair a loss and end this miserable experience. The boyfriend offered his assistance to help me out of the tub, but by now I was so weak and exhausted I couldn’t get up.

After 10 minutes of pondering over the situation, my boyfriend threw a few towels and a bathrobe into the tub to keep me from getting cold. We considered bringing my iPad in so I could watch movies.

After 20 minutes all that flashed through my head were the firemen staring at my naked and shriveled body, shaking their heads and thinking, “Just another fat woman stuck in a tub.”

At 30 minutes I decided I needed a quick boost of energy to power me onto the bathroom floor. I had the boyfriend bring me my son’s Easter basket. Although I had already eaten most of the candy, there were still some yucky tasting jelly beans that no one had wanted. I stuffed about 20 of those babies into my mouth at once. Be it the sugar rush or the placebo effect, I was soon able to get out of the tub.

Now I’m on the couch with the towels and robe still draped around me as I try to figure out how I’m going to put my pajamas on.

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I’m Going to Disney!

I can’t believe that tomorrow I will be taking my son to Disney World! Grant and I have been very amicable during our separation, so although it sounds crazy, the three of us will be going together!

Ever since Tyler was born it has been my dream to take him to Disney. I never thought I would, and although it’s not the smartest financial decision we have ever made, we decided to do it. I know I would have spent the rest of my life regretting it if we didn’t take him.

Since Kindergarten Tyler has been hearing about his classmates’ and teachers’ Disney experiences. He was so excited and I asked him if he thought we would go to Disney World one day. “Oh, yes!”, he said very matter-of-factly. How could I look into the face of my child who has been through so much in his young life and tell him we would never be able to afford to go? At seven years old, this will be his first vacation.

I will be using a scooter down there and I have a pack of steroids that will hopefully help with aches and pains and give me more energy. I am still scared that I may be too tired or hurting too much to be able to do everything we have planned, or that I could come down with a full flare-up of Lupus, Fibromyalgia or any of my other conditions.

It took a lot of time but we have planned our every move down there and have selected all the Fast Passes we can have. Due to so many abusing the policy, Disney no longer allows disabled people to simply go to the front of the line. Families were actually hiring disabled people to go to the parks with them, although why you’d want to see Disney with a stranger just so you can get past the long lines is beyond me. The new policy is that you speak to one of the cast members at the ride and he or she tells you that since the line is currently 40 minutes long, you can come back 40 minutes later and go on the ride with no wait.

While this does seem fair, I believe that the disabled are still at a disadvantage. When that park opens in the morning, I’m not going to be able to sprint like all the able-bodied people will. I will simply not be able to move through the parks like they will and will wind up doing less than them.

Besides writing a post-Disney post I will be uploading pictures on twitter and on my Facebook page. Please remember to “Like” my page!

Well wishes and extra spoons are appreciated!


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The idea for this post came to me about an hour ago and I knew I had to write it quickly for fear it would fall out of my brain.

Be it depression, physical symptoms or a combination thereof I have been feeling “stupid” for quite some time now. Often I feel I have nothing to do, I feel quite bored. Even though there are always things to do with all the media available to me, it’s as if my brain can’t handle anything remotely intellectual.

I used to read a book a week, now I can’t even read a light mystery, I just can’t get through it. I can’t concentrate on the news or anything on television that is quality. Yesterday I tried to watch “CBS Sunday News” and I couldn’t even make it through the opening. I am just lost. “Sex in the City”, “The Golden Girls” and game shows seem to be the only programs I can pay attention to.

Blogging has become extremely difficult for me, just writing this is a struggle. I am no longer the prolific, talented writer I used to be, and I watch my once successful blog fall down the Alexa Rank and feel powerless to stop it. I cannot churn out the content required to keep people coming to my site. I look back on my posts that were smartly written, that made people cry, that gave people hope, that educated others and I wonder if I will ever be able to do that again.

As I write this ideas come into my head but I lose them before they can even get written down. In seconds they are gone.

I am disappointed in this post. It is redundant and I can’t even think of the other ways to describe how displeased I am with it. The words don’t come.

Will I live this dumbed-down existence for the rest of my life?

I think I will stop here.

I guess no matter how I write my blog or how often, my goals for it remain the same. That people who are experiencing this will know that they are not alone, that I will educate others about how this feels and that I will receive support from people who read this.

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