While some of my health issues are getting answered, other questions still remain.
At the gynecologist’s, it was determined that my birth control, ParaGard, is the cause of my long, heavy, painful periods and that I need to take it out. I’m trying to make sure that insurance will pay to have it removed, although I don’t see much of a problem with it.
The Cystoscopy which examined my bladder looked normal and a another blood test showed no blood in my urine.
I saw the Infectious Disease Specialist and she did not think I had Lyme, but she did not test me for it. I have an email into her as to why she did not actually test me.
My psychiatrist increased one of my meds and lowered another in an effort to decrease my depression. Lowering one of my meds makes me vulnerable to mania but I just can’t stay in the dumps. Bipolar disorder is so frustrating, my balances are very short-lived.
I saw the Pulmonologist last week. The in home sleep-study showed no sleep apnea, but the doctor and I were unsatisfied. The in home sleep-study doesn’t test for REM sleep, narcoleptic disorders, etc. I scheduled a nighttime study for September 22nd and a daytime study for the next day. This is contingent on whether or not my insurance will pay for it. More waiting. September 22nd is so far away.
The Pulmonologist asked me to try one thing: walk for 20 minutes every morning when I wake up. So far I haven’t done it. I know it would be of tremendous help but I can’t even picture doing it. When I wake up I just want to go back to sleep, and do so. I’ll probably buy some active wear this weekend because I feel like a complete idiot for not doing this one thing.
In the meantime, I continue to sleep a lot, due to tiredness or boredom. Nothing interests me because of the depression so there is not much else to do except sleep. I am behind in what I have to do.
My therapist is back from a four week medical leave and I am seeing her tomorrow. I really need it!