We took Tyler for his three-year-old check-up today. While Grant and I had thought that Tyler was exhibiting “tics”, our pediatrician says that since they manifest during signs of stress and are mostly voluntary, such as heavy breathing, it is more like anxiety. He has suggested taking Tyler to see a psychologist.
Grant and I are experiencing all kinds of guilt. Is this something he has inherited from us? Has he picked up on the stress we have over being sick and having financial difficulties? Or has some of his own experiences just stressed him out?
I don’t feel like seeing a psychologist is some sort of taboo, I just hate to think that my child is in any way anxious or unhappy. I feel like he is only three, so young for something like this! And then I worry more about how we will pay for this. We want to take him to someone who is good, someone whom our pediatrician recommends, not someone NJ Family Care will provide. In other words, the best our no money can buy.
I hope for a quick appointment because in the meantime, I am unsure of how to punish him or push/encourage him to do something he doesn’t want to do, such as become fully potty trained, for fear of making his problem worse.
If anyone knows of other children who have this issue at such a young age, I would appreciate you letting me know. Right now I feel pretty much alone. Thanks.