I have to credit my aunt with telling me that my sweating could be the start of perimenopause. I’ve been dealing with sweat pouring down me to just a bit of physical activity working up a sweat since the summer. I looked it up online and in addition to the common symptom of sweating, nausea was also a symptom!
As luck would have it I had my annual appointment with my gynecologist and while she agreed that the sweating was definitely a sign of perimenopause, nausea was not a common symptom. She recommended an upper G.I. series which I have scheduled with my G.I. doc.
She suggested an over the counter supplement for my hot flashes and sure enough I haven’t had a hot flash since! It amazes me that as many doctors as I have seen, not one suggested perimenopause!
I wonder if they will find anything in my upper G.I. series. I am laying on the couch sick to my stomach with writing being very difficult. Sometimes I can read but most days I just have to lay down and hope to fall asleep.
I’m not sure how I feel about entering my perimenopausal years, except I know that they are going to be very annoying! I’m 46, I’m definitely in the right age bracket but I don’t feel 46, you know? In fact, I can’t even believe I’m writing about this topic!
Have you gone through perimenopause or menopause? What symptoms did you experience?