Okay, I admit it, the title was meant to draw you in. (It’s my blog and I can call my posts what I want to!)
The above though is true. But it was said to me by Tyler, in response to what I thought were lovely smelling heating pads. Well, they weren’t lovely to him, as he wrinkled up his nose and backed away from me.
It made me sad because I felt the accoutrements of my chronic illness made Tyler not want to be with me. Cuddling is what us chronic moms do best, but not if something we are wearing or are attached to scares our kids, looks weird to them, or, like me, even smells funny to them.
Does your CPAP machine, braces or a nurse coming to your home to give you an I.V. medication scare your child or turn them off to you?
There is hope though! I still kept on using my heating pads up to three times a day.
One night Tyler came into my room and sniffed. “Is that your heating pad?”
“Yes,” I said.
“I guess it doesn’t smell too bad any more”, he said, as he crawled into my bed, and allowed me to read to him.

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