This morning Grant told Tyler to say happy birthday to me and he said, “I don’t want you to have a birthday, I want another one!” Couldn’t agree more with that statement.
We went to Tyler’s school for Halloween festivities. I never minded having a birthday so close to Halloween. I always used to have costume parties for my birthdays and someone would always put on “Monster Mash”.

That masked man is my son. He wanted to be the bad Spider-Man!

And here I thought he was going to be the only one!
After that, the three of us plus my best friend Francesca went to Five Guys Burgers and Fries and then Sonic for dessert. Then we went home for gift time. With our financial issues, I didn’t want presents at all but Grant gets really into it. He loves to give gifts.
So the cats gave me a Lowel Herrero cat calendar for 2011 (they’ve got really good taste). Tyler gave me a Word Girl DVD, which is the funniest, most educational show on PBS. And he gave me a wonderful card to always treasure.
The author of this poem is unknown:
Sometimes you get discouraged because I am so small,
And leave my little fingerprints on furniture and walls.
But everyday I’m growing and soon will be so tall,
That all these little fingerprints will be difficult to recall.
So here’s a little handprint that you can put away,
So you will know how my fingers looked on this special day.
Francesca gave me a butterfly anklet that she made herself. I swear the woman is good at everything!
And Grant gave me a gift certificate to Old Navy, he spent way too much, but he knows that I miss buying clothes now that we don’t have much money.
Thanks for all the tweets and facebook birthday wishes from all of you too!
And then, at 8:30, this birthday girl went to bed!
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