Noahs Ark | Mama Sick Tue, 14 Jun 2011 16:47:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tuesdays With Tyler: Gaining My Religion, at the Book Sale Tue, 14 Jun 2011 16:41:18 +0000 (After having just a precious 2 days with my beloved laptop, there is a problem with the new hard drive they put in, so once again, I must bring it to the shop!  I am writing this post on my … Continue reading

The post Tuesdays With Tyler: Gaining My Religion, at the Book Sale first appeared on Mama Sick.

(After having just a precious 2 days with my beloved laptop, there is a problem with the new hard drive they put in, so once again, I must bring it to the shop!  I am writing this post on my husbands laptop.  His has a possessive/quote key that works about 25% of the time.  As he is a professional writer I do not know how he can stand this, but there it is.  I write this to let people know that my grammar and editing are much better than it would appear. Thank you.)

This Saturday, Tyler and I went to our library’s thrice yearly book sale. The whole book sale really tickes Tyler, going to the library and getting to KEEP a book??  Being a Mommy Blogger, I get plenty of books sent to me so I usually go just to pick out a few for Tyler.  The paperbacks are 50 cents, the hard covers a dollar-fifty, so I make sure I just don’t simply pile a stack into our basket as money remains tight.

Two books stuck out for us on our trip.  We came across Noah’s Arc by Lucy Cousins, who is best knows for her Maisy the Mouse series, but she also writes some downright hilarious versions of fairy tales such as The Three Little Pigs or Little Red Riding Hood, with some incredible illustrations.

We picked up Noah’s Ark right away, me counting my good fortune.

As a young man who worked there was helping us look for things that suited our needs, as every thing was pretty much mixed all around, we both spied upon The Children’s Bible.

“I had the exact same Bible when I a was a child”, I said, tears forming in my eyes. “So did I”, he said.  Tyler was still a little big for the 500 plus pages but I decided this was indeed a keeper.  Noah’s Arc and The Bible, what great finds, among a few others.

On Saturday night, Tyler and I were going through our loot of books.  I love childrens books, love to read to Tyler, and get just as excited as he does, maybe even more to read them! Tyler chose Ms. Cousins’s Noah’s Ark and I dove right in, thinking we would learn the story as well as get a good chuckle. To my surprise it was a straight, serious read, albeit with beautifully illustrated pages.

I had a hard time trying to explain the concept of Noahs Ark, how God told him to pack up his wife and kids, and two animals of every species into a giant boat, and how God was going to flood the rest of the world and kill everyone else and every other animal with it.

This was worse than the movies I have let Tyler watch.

Why Mommy, Tyler asked.  Why would God do that?

I told him that when God first put people on the earth they became bad, but Noah was good, and God was going to destroy every living thing except Noah and his children and two animals of every kind, so that the animals could have babies.  I dont study The Bible that much never but I did remember that God told Noah that he would never ever do that again, so we didn’t have to worry about it.

Tyler still had more questions and so I said, Would you like to read more about Noahs Ark in The Bible?, and he said yes.  My heart skipped a beat as Tyler has taken to religion the way he has taken to water. Talk about scarier than a movie.  I guess we children were tougher back in those days as I had to explain to Tyler that the animals and the people were drowning while the flood was happening.

Mommy, whats a flood?  Whats drowning?

We stopped reading after the rain stopped.

Is this how parents teach their children about religion?  Being a mom with chronic illness, pain and fatigue, I have never taken Tyler to church, although I know I need to and I want to. Its hard because there is no one around me who is a Catholic.  Grant is Agnostic.

I know that next year, in the first grade, Tyler will have to start CCD if he is to make his Holy First Communion on time.

I had made my peace with God and Jesus.  I have a strong belief in Them but I do not believe that They are holding it against me that I am not attending church, as I am usually sleeping, and not the lazy, sleeping-in way, but the way that if I do not sleep I will get very ill type of way.  I think They get that.

But I have a well child.  A well child who I AM trying to do things for, like taking him to the library or to karate class.  And now I will have to find it in me to take my well child to Church for there is no one else to do it for me. Please God and Jesus, let me be well enough to be able to take my little boy to church, even if it isnt every week, please let me be able to do this for him…and for me.

The post Tuesdays With Tyler: Gaining My Religion, at the Book Sale first appeared on Mama Sick.

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