Inspired by Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop
Prompt #6. Tell us about a time you were sent to the Principal’s office.
I was a really good kid, a goody-goody, straight as they came. I always played by the rules and I never got in trouble.
But there was one thing that other kids did that was so tempting: blow up a brown bag and pop it in the lunchroom while the principal was speaking.
Lots of kids had done it and the popper was never caught. The principal would yell, “Who did this?!” and everyone looked innocent.
One day, as the principal stepped up to the microphone to speak, something took hold of me. I blew up my brown bag and popped it.
It was the loudest pop in the history of Lafayette Mills Elementary School.
“Alright who’s responsible for this!?”, yelled the principal. And suddenly I was aware of everybody pointing the finger at me!
I remember exactly what the principal said; “You!”, he pointed. “Get to the office!”
I was in a state of shock. I made my way to the principal’s office and took a seat outside, waiting for him.
What happened next I couldn’t tell you. I’ve blanked it out. I don’t remember him speaking to me. Did he call my parents? I just can’t recall.
I was on the straight and narrow after that, until freshman year in high school where I stepped out of the classroom before the bell to get a drink of water and got detention.
But that is a story for another day.
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