I was totally psyched to write about my Disney World vacation, to post my pictures and to give my tips geared towards chronically ill mothers.
But then some other stuff happened.
I used every prescription that I had to get me through the trip. I didn’t want Grant and Tyler to be out having fun while I stayed in the air-conditioned room.
I expected I would be sick after the trip, I just didn’t know how sick I’d be.
Everything is flaring; Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Costochondritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis…you get my drift.
Things got so bad that I called 9-1-1. I couldn’t breathe, my chest was heavy and I felt like I was passing out. My heart was cleared but they did find out that I have Diabetes. Hah, I say to that, I can beat this! My diabetes is mild with readings never above 200. I am following the diabetic diet and have already lost one size! This works for me because my weight gain, which was caused by a medication I was on, was never something I could get used to. More importantly I worried about the health problems that goes hand and hand with being overweight. And so here I am. Diabetes runs on both sides of my family, but at 44 I am the youngest to inherit it.
I was also diagnosed with COPD. At this point I have so many diseases it’s just like whateverr!
I have an appointment next week with a diabetes educator who will give me my glucose meter, and an appointment for a pulmonary work-up, where I will learn how COPD is affecting me.
What’s happening by you?
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