But Then Some Other Stuff Happened

I was totally psyched to write about my Disney World vacation, to post my pictures and to give my tips geared towards chronically ill mothers.

But then some other stuff happened.

I used every prescription that I had to get me through the trip. I didn’t want Grant and Tyler to be out having fun while I stayed in the air-conditioned room.

I expected I would be sick after the trip, I just didn’t know how sick I’d be.

Everything is flaring; Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Costochondritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis…you get my drift.

Things got so bad that I called 9-1-1. I couldn’t breathe, my chest was heavy and I felt like I was passing out. My heart was cleared but they did find out that I have Diabetes. Hah, I say to that, I can beat this! My diabetes is mild with readings never above 200. I am following the diabetic diet and have already lost one size! This works for me because my weight gain, which was caused by a medication I was on, was never something I could get used to. More importantly I worried about the health problems that goes hand and hand with being overweight. And so here I am. Diabetes runs on both sides of my family, but at 44 I am the youngest to inherit it.

I was also diagnosed with COPD. At this point I have so many diseases it’s just like whateverr!

I have an appointment next week with a diabetes educator who will give me my glucose meter, and an appointment for a pulmonary work-up, where I will learn how COPD is affecting me.

What’s happening by you?


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About mamasick

Emily Cullen is a pen-name. I suffer from chronic illnesses and diseases which include Bipolar Disorder, Asthma, Diabetes and Fibromyalgia. I had battled Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis but there is no longer evidence of me having these diseases and my Rheumatologist has declared them to be "burnt out" of my system. I am separated from my husband, “Grant”. Our son, “Tyler” was born in September of 2006 and suffers from tics and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and is delayed in fine and gross motor skills. In my blog I seek to let sick moms know that they are not the only ones going through this, and to educate people about what can happens when one becomes catastrophically ill. I also strive to break down stereotypes of what a “Welfare Mom” is like. Anything that I have gone through due to being sick, is written on the pages of Mama Sick.

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