I realize I haven’t written about Tyler in some time which is a bit crazy since I proudly own up to having a Mommy Blog.
He did very well in first grade and made great improvements in his handwriting and behavior. He is given speech, physical and occupational therapies according to his Individualized Education Program (IEP) He sees a talk therapist every two weeks.
This is Tyler’s third week of summer vacation. Last summer we had him do 8 weeks of day camp which he hated because it was too scheduled and too much like school. This year he will do four weeks of camp. Tyler mostly wants to stay home and watch t.v. and play video games, although I have gotten him to read comic books and brought him to the pool.
But I have been so tired I give in when Tyler doesn’t want to go to the library or doesn’t want to do his strengthening exercises. I am just too exhausted to argue with him.
I am so frustrated with needing to sleep all the time. We are exploring the possibilities about why I am feeling this way, but I do feel I have some sort of sleeping disorder. I don’t take my sleep test until July 17th; how can I give Tyler the summer he deserves and needs when I have to wait so long for a diagnosis and treatment?
How are other chronic moms dealing with summer vacation?