Last Friday I picked Tyler up from his pre-school. Before I got to him I was stopped by his teacher. “We had to write up an Observation on Tyler”, she said.
Oh no, what now? A new Tourettes’s tic? Another threat to cut a child’s head off?
“Tyler pulled his pants down and showed another child his butt”, she said, trying to hide her smile.
Here is Tyler’s story:
Tyler’s class was studying the body. He and another boy sat looking at a book with a picture of a skeleton. “That is the butt!”, the child laughed, pointing to the facing front skeleton. “No”, said Tyler, “The butt is in the back!” The boy and Tyler argued back and forth for a bit.
Finally, Tyler pulled down his pants and said to the boy, “See, I told you, the butt is in the back!”
The teacher said that the director and she didn’t think Tyler pulled his pants down to be “bad”, but for “regulation purposes” it had to be written up.
I think my son is a genius. And will keep me in blogs for years to come.
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