As we near Christmas, I look at my living room and approach the holiday with dread. Already our living space is scattered with toys. Actually, it appears that someone has ransacked our home and decided there was nothing worth stealing so the mess remains.
Tyler still plays with every toy that he has ever gotten throughout his four years on earth, only he plays with them differently now. For example a toy barn becomes a hideout for villains. The Laugh & Learning Home is now a skyscraper for his action figures to climb on. Every time I look at or think about a toy that I might throw away, Tyler psychically starts playing with again.
Broken toys? Tyler doesn’t like to throw them out either because he “feels bad” for them.
I don’t even know how we are going to put up the Christmas tree, but perhaps a Christmas miracle will occur, when I tell Tyler that if he wants new toys he’s got to get rid of the old toys (my new strategy), and maybe then he will finally relent.

Tyler modeling what else you can do with Mr. Potato Head accessories, plus part of the load of toys behind him!
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