Yes, this is going to be another one of the hundreds of posts you will read (or skip) from mommy bloggers about their child’s first day of school. I can’t believe that Tyler is in Pre-K! He has a new room and new teachers, plus a new cubby. His school is doing a Nick Jr. theme and his class is The Backyardigans and he is Pablo. We bought him a Spiderman backpack and lunchbox to get him excited for this transition. He practiced carrying the backpack with a load of sheets, throws and spare clothes that start every week and he was practically falling over.

Looking eager to start his first day of Pre-K!
We have been told that he will have homework (?!) and that on the first day of school they are given a journal (?!) with the idea being that at the end of the year they will be able to write some words and maybe even a sentence or too. It sounds so hard to believe!
September is such a big month for Tyler as in five days he will be turning four! I’m excited for him to come home tonight and have him tell me about his day and discuss his daily “report”! I am a proud mommy!